
Pope Francesco: Please tell your clergy to speak out against bullfighting
Josepha G.
started this petition to
Pope Francesco
100,000 hundred thousand, that is the amount of people in Madrid that came together to protest against bullfighting and cruel festivals where bulls are tortured to death, medio September 2015.
The people of Spain and Europe have spoken, this is the 21st century and we want barbaric rituals and festivals that bring suffering either to animals or humans to end for good!
No matter the amount of protest, in the town of Tordesillas, Spain, a bull named Rompesuelas was tortured to death. The local mayor did nothing to stop this, even though he admitted being against bullfighting.
The Catholic priest of Tordesillas, Luís Martin Arias approved of the torture and killing of the innocent bull for the following reason: ‘That if the men were not allowed to torture the bull to death, they would beat their wives.’ How is reasoning like this even possible in Europe in the 21st century? For in the 21st century, beating your spouse is illegal and you will go to jail. As ridiculous as this is, it is of no matter for as early as the 16th century, Pope Pius abolished bullfighting in 1567 http://library.law.yale.edu/news/papal-bull-against-bullfighting
Therefore we ask Pope Francesco to instruct all his clergy in Spain, Portugal and France to preach to their flog to end Bullfighting and all festivals that involve hurting bulls or other of God’s creations.
We are sure, that Pope Francesco, who took the name of the Holy Francesco, known for his love for animals will take this action, knowing that the majority of people, Christians or not in Europe and outside want this cruelty to end for once and for all.
The people of Spain and Europe have spoken, this is the 21st century and we want barbaric rituals and festivals that bring suffering either to animals or humans to end for good!
No matter the amount of protest, in the town of Tordesillas, Spain, a bull named Rompesuelas was tortured to death. The local mayor did nothing to stop this, even though he admitted being against bullfighting.
The Catholic priest of Tordesillas, Luís Martin Arias approved of the torture and killing of the innocent bull for the following reason: ‘That if the men were not allowed to torture the bull to death, they would beat their wives.’ How is reasoning like this even possible in Europe in the 21st century? For in the 21st century, beating your spouse is illegal and you will go to jail. As ridiculous as this is, it is of no matter for as early as the 16th century, Pope Pius abolished bullfighting in 1567 http://library.law.yale.edu/news/papal-bull-against-bullfighting
Therefore we ask Pope Francesco to instruct all his clergy in Spain, Portugal and France to preach to their flog to end Bullfighting and all festivals that involve hurting bulls or other of God’s creations.
We are sure, that Pope Francesco, who took the name of the Holy Francesco, known for his love for animals will take this action, knowing that the majority of people, Christians or not in Europe and outside want this cruelty to end for once and for all.
(Updated )
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