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Protect Egypt's Archaeological Sites

Protect Egypt's Archaeological Sites

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Jamie D.
started this petition to
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Dr Mostafa Amin, Kamal Ganzouri
Massive looting of archaeological sites in Egypt continues as security forces turn a blind eye to thugs plundering Egypt’s cultural heritage.

El Hibeh archaeological site on the east bank of the Nile lies in a particularly impoverished area of Egypt, three hours' drive south of Cairo. For the past 9 months a gang has been systematically and openly looting the site while the local police seemingly turn a blind eye.

For more information on El Hibeh please join the facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/337119989673652/

Please sign the petition, which will awaken the Supreme Council of Antiquities and Egyptian Governement to the crimes taking place not only at El Hibeh but in numerous other places across Egypt, which represent the cultural heritage of Egypt and the world.

This petition demands that the SCA and Egyptian government act to immediately re-establish and mantain security at El Hibeh and other archaeological sites across Egypt.

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