
Reverse Canada's Deportation Order on Jose Figueroa!
Robert G.
started this petition to
Canadian Public Safety Minister Vic Toews
Jose Figueroa was a student leader in El Salvador in the 1980's and spoke out peacefully against the military dictatorship which ruled El Salvador at the time - a regime responsible for the deaths of between 70,000 and 80,000 people. Despite living peacefully in Canada for almost 16 years, this husband and father of three faces deportation from Canada because of his advocacy for the FMLN, the broad opposition movement in El Salvador which opposed a government that stole elections, committed widespread torture and murder and used death squads to silence any opposition. Both during the war and afterwards the FMLN was regarded by the international community as a legitimate and representative organization whose efforts helped return democracy to the country. Despite this, and despite the fact Figueroa was a non-combatant in the conflict (a fact admitted by the Canadian government) Canada now wants to do deport Figueroa for advocating for a "terrorist" group. The FMLN is now the elected government in El Salvador and is recognized as a legitimate government by the entire world - including Canada! The more people who sign the petition the more chance we have of ensuring that this deportation order is reversed! More info at www.wearejose.org.
(Updated )
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