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Save the Dolphins

Save the Dolphins

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This petition has been created by Julio C. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Julio C.
started this petition to
Prefeitura de Laguna, MP
SAVE ME !! Twenty years ago,the pod of Cooperative Dolphins in Laguna-SC-Brazil,consisted of 80 individuals.Now,only about 40 of them are still alive,trying to cope with human interference in their habitat which is a sanctuary of incredible biodiversity.The Sanctuary has been suffering with the total disregard of both local and federal authorities,who turn their backs to the pollution caused by big and small companies,illegal fishing,toxic waste,excessive traffic of Jet-Skiis,etc..The Dolphins are becoming sick,many have caught a disease-Lobomicosis-caused by polluted water.They are stressed by the construcion of bridges and sometimes get caught in illegal fishing nets and die,because of the lack of fiscalization in the Sanctuary.

We need LOCAL AND INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT to get the necessary attention to save this species as well as its environment, before it's too late.

If you wish to get more details on this problem and the Cooperative Fishing,go to www.juliocesarcetaceo.blogspot.com.br (55 (48) 99482224) .

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