
SeaWorld: Blackfish :Free Tilikum
Carolyn B.
started this petition to
Tilikum is a large bull orca, who has been kept in captivity by Sea World for over 20 years. Taken from his mother and family pod at 2 years old, he has been continuously mis-treated by bad training, lack of proper care and abuse at the hands of a corporation that cares only for profit. He was forced to perform every hour on the hour, eight times a day, seven days a week. He is confined to a tank containing 0.0001 percent of the quantity of water that he would have in his natural habitat. The stress of captivity drives Tilly to exhibit abnormal repetitive behavior, including chewing on metal gates and the concrete sides of his tank—so much so that most of his teeth are completely worn down.The stress of captivity also causes Tilikum to exhibit aggression toward humans, which has cost the lives of three people. He is now kept in a tiny enclosure that limits his ability to swim, communicate with other Orcas, and interact with humans. He currently spends hours at a time floating listlessly in the water in a small tank described as a 'jailhouse' by an old trainer. Tilikum is not the only Orca who has become aggressive as a result of all the stress that the whales are forced to endure in the small tanks at SeaWorld, and numerous ex-trainers have called for their release. To use a living, breathing, self-aware and extremely intelligent sentient being as a sperm bank in a forced captive breeding program is completely inhumane and unethical. FREE TILIKUM AND STOP SEAWORLD FROM KEEPING ANY ORCAS CAPTIVE.
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