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Stop Bulldozing the World´s Most Bio-Diverse Rainforest.

Stop Bulldozing the World´s Most Bio-Diverse Rainforest.

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This petition has been created by Alexander S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Alexander S.
started this petition to
Dennis Melka, East Pacific Capital

As if it wasn´t enough bulldozing the rainforests in Asia for large palm oil plantations, the company East Pacific Capital have now set their eyes on the most bio-diverse region on the planet – The Amazon. Over 10,000 hectares have already been destroyed in Peru, and it´s not stopping.

The large scale destruction of the rainforest for palm oil plantation leads to the loss of biodiversity, massive release of greenhouse gasses and exploitation of communities, with small farmers having their lands seized and bulldozed.

There is a better way. Native palms such as Ungurahui, Agauje, Huicungo, Pijuayo, and Tagua yield better and more useful products. Implementing regenerative agroforestry systems using these native species in already degraded areas would build a sustainable economy while actually enhancing biodiversity and sequestering carbon.

This is a call to stop the bulldozing of the Amazon Rainforest and implement a truly sustainable solution.

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