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Stop Fracking in the UK

Stop Fracking in the UK

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Sally B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sally B.
started this petition to
Owen Patterson
Fracking is causing untold misery in the US. Not only is the immediate environment destroyed and uglified, with heavy machinery and a constant stream of heavy juggernauts transporting fuel through rural villages, but their is also air pollution, and far more serious, poisoning of the underground aquifas, to the point where peole ccan light a flame from the methane coming out of their taps. People's health is being jeopardised, with multiple symptoms. Sink holes are appearing. And they want to start Fracking here because it will mean revenue for the companies concerned and the Government. I care our landscape is not decimated by this industry - there are cleaner ways to create energy.
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