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Stop HIV epidemic in Romania

Stop HIV epidemic in Romania

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Jan S.
started this petition to
Victor Ponta, Prime Minister, Republic of Romania, Eugen Nicolăescu, Minister of Health, Republic of Romania
Watch the video about drug and HIV situation in Romania

During the last decade efforts to reduce HIV prevalence among drug users in Romania, including needle exchange, were funded almost entirely by international organizations such as the European Union, United Nations and Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, despite it being the responsibility of the Romanian government to provide public health services for its citizens.

Since 2010 financial support from international organizations was drastically reduced, forcing 4 out of 6 organizations providing needle exchange and opioid substitution treatment in Romania to shut down. This resulted in a severe reduction in the number of vulnerable people who have access to essential services and a sharp increase in HIV infections. However, the Romanian government still have not provided financial contribution.

There is an urgent need for a rapid response concerning the upraise of HIV cases within the drug users community in Romania. Both state institutions and harm reduction services need to scale-up their intervention. Otherwise overwhelmingly negative human, social and financial cost of this neglect will be paid for years to come.
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