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Stop Nestle's sociopath tactics

Stop Nestle's sociopath tactics

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Toon W.
started this petition to
Peter Brabeck, Paul Bulcke, the EU
While Monsanto has the longstanding and dubious reputation of "World's most evil company", the name “Nestle” has enjoyed a more positive connotation. However, this is all FAKE. In reality their business tactics are just as horrible, if not more!

Their game is all about WATER. And as we all know, this is a basic right of every human being, that cannot be denied by any business interest whatsoever. Makes sense, huh?

However, in a 2004 interview, then Nestle's CEO, but now chairman, Peter Brabeck states that “water is a commodity that can be traded”, just like food While in his crooked mind this makes sense, just think of the implications!

Actually, Nestle already have bought up enormous patches of water-rich lands, in multiple continents, and they have contracts with the local governments for the right to extract a certain, enormous, quantity of water annually, EVEN IN TIMES OF DROUGHT.

You have heard me correctly: people are dying while Nestle get their water almost for free, put it in shiny plastic bottles, and make GARGANTUAN profits. In one documented case, Nestle pays $3.71 for every million liters of water and later sells it for $2,000,000,000. Unfathomable.

These practices are criminal. They are evil and sociopath. They should be STOPPED.

SIGN the petition, then SHARE it and let's start a global BOYCOTT against all Nestle products. At the same time, let our voices be heard so the global leaders implement regulations that may prevent these perverse atrocities now, and in the future. NOW is the time to act. Tomorrow might be too late!

(The video you can find here: http://tinyurl.com/mz8awpd and more information here: http://tinyurl.com/m8jj8kw)
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