Stop fracking in the UK & Worldwide for good!
Water is a precious commodity for all citizens of this world, so we must collectively recognise it now, before our health is destroyed by lethally contaminated water supplies. Contamination by hydraulic fracking isn't reversible.
In the UK, following hot on the heels of the USA's recklessness, we are seeing ignorance at the highest level, spearheaded by George Osbourne and the UK government in their "dash for gas"!
The end justifies the means, apparently. But their argument that we should press ahead because of dwindling energy reserves is spurious at best.
What is painfully obvious is that fracking ISN'T SAFE, despite what the industry says through its glossy PR campaigns, and it will be a disaster if we allow it to go ahead. We will be setting a dangerous precedent.
We need to ACT, and STOP Mr Osbourne's narrow-minded, fatalistic approach to creating "new" energy supplies, and then make this campaign more global, asking all governments of the world to ensure that do not implement procedures that are a serious health hazard.
Fracking should be banned, everywhere, without exception, because it harms the Earth. No more discussion of this insane idea is necessary, and we should not tolerate it.
In the past, communities would zone off industrial activities that were considered dangerous. But the gas industry must seek to impose itself on large areas of land to access to shale gas reserves, even areas close to farms, schools and hospitals.The consequences are there, and they are self-evident.
It is my belief that there are many great scientists and inventors out there, with Green solutions. They are currently not being listened to, as core environmental concerns continue to be dangerously marginalised by those who wield all the power.
This is about money, and it's painfully obvious for all to see, no matter how the government and gas industry sugar coat the fracking method.
Thank you for listening, and for acting today.With hope,
Image copyright: http://www.indyweek.com/
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