Stop the SLAUGHTER. Stop Canned Lion Hunting.
Lions are disappearing in the wild throughout Africa (down from about half a million 40 years ago to 25 - 30 000 now). When will this devastation stop? When there are no more lions? And then what will hunters prey on? Cheetah? Leopard? How about humans?
Hunting Lions (And any animal) for sport is a disgusting pastime which should be stopped. A prime example of what this leads to is pictured here. http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2013-11-18-analysis-melissa-bachman-and-online-misogyny/#.Uond-rg_9n9.facebook
However the real culprits are the governments that allow it.
Lets make the governments BAN hunting once and for all. Help preserve the diversity and wonders of nature by forcing the government to sit up and take note.