Stop the Winter Olympics 2014 being held in Sochi, Russia
Ella A.
started this petition to
The Olympic Committee
The main reason a country is chosen by the Olympic committee to hold the Winter Olympics is that they will provide a positive contribution to the Olympic community and that all spectators and contestants will be in a safe and non-discriminatory environment.
However, with the law passed on the 30th June by Russian president Vladimir Putin, banning the 'propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors' this former safe-haven is now a dangerous place for the LGBT community. This law denies the constitutional rights of LGBT Russian citizens and has already been the cause of many tragedies.
Should one of the most prestigious sporting events in the world be held in a country where 'a non-traditional lifestyle’ could lead to a fine or even imprisonment?
This petition is demanding that the 2014 Winter Olympics currently being held in Sochi, Russia, be moved to a different country so the Russian government understand the consequences of their immoral actions.
If we allow this event to take place we are telling Russia and the Olympic committee that the world is tolerant of their actions and that we intend to be passive witnesses of this growing issue.
However, with the law passed on the 30th June by Russian president Vladimir Putin, banning the 'propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations to minors' this former safe-haven is now a dangerous place for the LGBT community. This law denies the constitutional rights of LGBT Russian citizens and has already been the cause of many tragedies.
Should one of the most prestigious sporting events in the world be held in a country where 'a non-traditional lifestyle’ could lead to a fine or even imprisonment?
This petition is demanding that the 2014 Winter Olympics currently being held in Sochi, Russia, be moved to a different country so the Russian government understand the consequences of their immoral actions.
If we allow this event to take place we are telling Russia and the Olympic committee that the world is tolerant of their actions and that we intend to be passive witnesses of this growing issue.
(Updated )
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