Stop your cruel and deadly experiments on animals!
Petition against the biggest Vivisection lab in Germany!
Since 40 years this lab kills thousands of animals every year! None of the animals at the LPT lab in Hamburg /Germany (beagle dogs, cats, mice monkeys, rats, pigs) leave the lab alive! All of the animals either die during experiments or get directly get killed in the lab!
LPT uses the following test-methods during their experiments:
- oral giving of medications / chemicals
- infusion
- inhalation
- injection in animals abdominal cavity / skin / vagina / eye / joint / anal orifice !!
(source: http://www.lpt-pharm-tox.de/Services.html)
None of these animals survive in this lab. They die during the experiment or get killed directly after. Then they get used as heating material (all these facts are confirmed by the responsible veterinary)!
Experimenst on animals are cruel and pure torture and murder on the animals. Same time they are completly absurd. Since decades scientists have presented proof that there are alternative methods without animals!
2011 in Germany 2,9 Million animals got killed in labs for vivisection! This has to stop immediately!
German source: http://www.lobby-pro-tier.de/lpt2011/Allgemeine-Informationen.53.0.html
Petititon by www.animalfirst.org
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