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We want George Walker Bush prosecuted by international courts for war crimes in Iraq.

We want George Walker Bush prosecuted by international courts for war crimes in Iraq.

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This petition has been created by Sondre S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Sondre S.
started this petition to
Suprime Court of United States
The US attack on Iraq on 20th March 2003 was against most internationally agreed standards, and against the world public's sense of justice, morality, and ethics. The attack was unprovoked and was in violation of the United Nations' and the international weapons watchdog IAEA's recommendations. The weapons inspectors had not found any weapons of mass destruction; even if they had found, it is not reason for the United States, or any other party, to resort to violence against Iraq. On the other hand, USA itself possesses weapons of mass destruction, which have been used without justification against others (in Hiroshima and Nagasaki). Over three hundred thousand iraqis, mostly civilians, and four thousand US
soldiers have had to pay with their lives in, or because of, this senseless war.

This author believes that the Bush administration, and ultimately
George Walker Bush himself, who was the president of the United States during that time, should be brought in front of an international tribunal to answer for the attack on Iraq. Anders Hals, Norway
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