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This petition is closed
Tell Taiwan´s President Ma Ying-jeou to listen his people.

Tell Taiwan´s President Ma Ying-jeou to listen his people.

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Ove H.
started this petition to
Taiwan´s President Ma Ying-jeou
According to Taipei times people living in Taiwan with regards to identity 78 percent of those answering a poll identified themselves as Taiwanese, while 13 percent saw themselves as Chinese. The poll also found that most people feels independence is to prefer when asked to choose between independence or unification with China (PRC), with 71 percent supporting independence and only 18 percent supporting unification with China.


Against the wishes of his people President Ma has signed more than 18 agreements with PRC during the last 6 years according to the University of Nottingham. They continue by saying that this is his way of slowly incorporating Taiwan into PRC under the radar of of his people.

Taiwanese students have finally had enough and because of this they have started "The sunflower Revolution". They have demonstrated against the last signed treaty but have been met by brute force from the police. The students doesn´t stand alone though as most of Taiwans people are on their side as well as the opposition. But they need our help as well.


Right now students are occupying the legislative yuan where the last agreement that President Ma made will be signed.

Together we can tell President Ma that Taiwan belongs to its people and that he needs to start to listen to them. Together we can make sure that Taiwan stays a democracy and that its people once again get their human rights back.

Below are the resources for my statements and also some videos demonstrating the actions done by the police on behalf of President Ma.








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