
Chemainus: Stop Telus Installing Microcell Transmitters
Rick B.
started this petition to
Telus, Industry Canada
We, the undersigned demand Telus to stop installing Microcell Transmitters on utility poles located on public right‐of‐ways in the town of Chemainus for the exclusive benefit of Telus customers.
By signing this petition you are calling on Telus’ CEO, Darren Entwistle to immediately halt Telus’ Microcell Transmitter installation process before they are “activated”. Telus has failed in transparency by not consulting with the Municipality of North Cowichan and the public to gauge support and we do not agree with Telus’ submission to Industry Canada: “Telus requests to make clear to local residents claiming health and safety concerns of antenna systems are not valid bases to find an area is community‐sensitive”.
By signing this petition you are calling on Telus’ CEO, Darren Entwistle to immediately halt Telus’ Microcell Transmitter installation process before they are “activated”. Telus has failed in transparency by not consulting with the Municipality of North Cowichan and the public to gauge support and we do not agree with Telus’ submission to Industry Canada: “Telus requests to make clear to local residents claiming health and safety concerns of antenna systems are not valid bases to find an area is community‐sensitive”.
(Updated )
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