The People of New-Brunswick DEMAND a referendum and moratorium on Shale Gas exploration!
Why is this issue important and why should it matter to the average citizens of this province?
Why should we settle for short-term profits in exchange for a very real and serious long-term environmental threat to our water supply?
Any person with access to an internet connection is capable of finding numerous events, most notably within the United States where unsafe drinking water, leakage from spill ponds, cancer causing chemicals are a common occurrence during the process of Hydro-Fracking. We have had companies offer to test our water supplies – what they have neglected to notify you however, is that none of the chemicals which are used in the process of hydro-fracking have been included in these tests, this is shameful and misleading.
In 2011 a petition against the development of Shale Gas was tabled in the New-Brunswick legislature which contained 16,000 signatures – What we are doing here today, two years later is simple. Our concerns have not been addressed – appropriate steps have not been taken to ensure the safety and satisfaction for the people of New Brunswick on this very important issue.
To drive home this message, we are seeking to double that number to 32,000 people having signed this petition here in front of you. Agree or not on this issue is your choice to make as a citizen, but this choice should be made BY THE CITIZENS OF NEW-BRUNSWICK and not within the legislature.
Edited Notice: It has been brought to my attention that petitions of this sort, which are not in written form are not accepted in the New Brunswick Legislature as valid. However, we can still make our statement and voice heard regardless.