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Put an immediate STOP to any exploitation of ODZ land!

Put an immediate STOP to any exploitation of ODZ land!

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This petition has been created by Kunsill S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Kunsill S.
started this petition to
The Prime Minister of Malta, Dr Joseph Muscat
Dear Prime Minister,

The student body calls upon the authorities to put an immediate stop to the proposed exploitation of ODZ land, for the pursuit of this project, and joins the united opposition against this development that has surfaced in recent days.

We must also express extreme disappointment in the Malta Environment & Planning Authority (MEPA) - the institution that since inception, was intended to protect the environment - and its proposal for the use of this location.

Furthermore, KSU together with student organisations and student representatives will continue to study this proposal in a holistic manner; analysing the economical and educational aspects to this project, to see that the interest of all students who study at the University of Malta is safeguarded, and that the reputation of this institution is not at stake.

Apart from the environmental implications of the development, there is a strong opposition towards the fact that stakeholders like the University of Malta, and KSU, as a national student body, were not consulted ahead of the announcement of this University.


Għażiż Prim Ministru,

Il-Korp Studentesk jitlob lill-awtoritajiet konċernati sabiex titwaqqaf, b'mod immedjat, l-esplojtazzjoni ta' art ODZ li ġiet proposta f'-aħħar jiem, u jingħaqad ma dawk il-kritiċi tal-proġett li sa minn meta ġiet mniehda, ħadu pożizzjoni kontra dan l-iżvilupp.

Huwa ukoll b'dispjaċir kbir għalina li l-MEPA - li l-għan tagħha dejjem kien il-ħarsien tal-ambjent - kienet l-awtorita' li pproponiet dan l-ispazju għall-iżvilupp.

Fl-istess waqt, il-KSU, flimkien mal-għaqdiet studenteski, u rappreżentanti tal-istudenti mill-fakultajiet differenti, ser jibqgħu isegwu l-mod ta' kif din il-proposta ser tiżvolġi, u janaliżżaw l-implikazzjonijiet ekonomiċi u edukattivi tal-proġett, sabiex ikun imħares sew l-interess ta' kull student universitarju, u li r-reputazzjoni tal-instutizzjoni ma' tiġix kompromessa.

Apparti l-implikazzjonijiet ambjentali ta' żvilupp bħal dan, huwa ta' disprezz kbir, li għal proġett bħal dan, l- istakeholders bħall-Universita' ta' Malta, u l-KSU, bħala korp repreżentattiv tal-istudenti nazzjonali, ma kienux konsultati qabel ma kienet imħabbra din l-Universita'.


ASA | AEGEE Valletta | AIESEC University of Malta | ASCS | Betapsi | CommA | CSA | DESA | ELSA Malta | ESN UoM | ESO | Greenhouse Malta | GUG |Għaqda tal-Malti | GħSL | GħST | HoASA | IAESTE Malta | ICTSA | IEEE | INSITE | JEF Malta | KSJC | MADS | MHSA | MIRSA | MKSU | MMSA | MPSA | MUSC | MUST | OSQ | PULSE | S-cubed | SACES | SDM | SPS | SħS | Tdm2000 | TSA | UESA | University Bible Group | We Are | Y4TE

and all University of Malta Student Representatives who are part of the KE (Kummissjoni Edukazzjoni)

This petition will be presented formally to the relevant authorities
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