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To the Secretary-General of the United Nations: Call an urgent meeting of world leaders

To the Secretary-General of the United Nations: Call an urgent meeting of world leaders

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This petition has been created by Elsa B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Elsa B.
started this petition to
The Secretary-General of the United Nations
The catastrophic destruction of the welfare and security of humanity is imminent. The evidence can be discerned from the following:

WE, THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD, have observed with increasing horror, in one country after another, countless tragedies and catastrophes – the results of senseless, raging wars.

IT IS A FACT emphasized by the United Nations that whether in victory or defeat, women and children are largely the innocent victims and their suffering at this moment has become

THE TIME HAS NOW COME that we the citizens of the world will no longer tolerate war and its resulting disasters. We can remain silent no longer. War has never and will never solve
problems or disagreements. Violence breeds violence. This lesson should have been learned a long time ago.

WE, THE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD appeal with all our hearts to the United Nations to call together the leaders of all nations to a historic world meeting, the goal of which would be
to discover, through sincere and unprejudiced consultation, the means of creating a lasting peace on earth.

WE ASSURE THE UNITED NATIONS that the establishing of such agreement for peace, safegarded by international laws and strengthened by the willingness of all goverments to abide by them, has our immediate and full support.

LET US BE THE GENERATION that will at last bring about those changes that tomorrow‘s generations will regard as the most significant in history, changes which give every child in
humanity‘s future the hope of growing up in secure and peaceful world.

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