
Love the Ocean? Sign this petition...
The T.
started this petition to
The United Nations
We love the ocean.
The ocean has been in a state of decline for decades. In the past twenty years science has developed the ability to measure and quantify the damage, and the results are alarming:
The ocean has been in a state of decline for decades. In the past twenty years science has developed the ability to measure and quantify the damage, and the results are alarming:
Ocean Acidification---Climate Change---Collapsed Fisheries---Plastic Pollution
The United Nations can turn this runaway train around by including the oceans in the Sustainable Development Goals later in September, and is bringing world leaders to New York to discuss what they should focus on for the next 15 years—but the ocean needs your help…
Click on the right to tell the UN that you love the ocean and create a tidal wave of change.
- The TerraMar Project (http://theterramarproject.org)
(Updated )
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