
The Vietnamese Government: Save the Rhinos
Melissa R.
started this petition to
The Vietnamese Government
Rhino numbers are decreasing drastically and at an alarming rate annually. At present, the black rhino is basically imperilled and the white rhino is close debilitated. Expanded levels of poaching and basically mass murder of the species is pushing the rhino closer and closer to eradication. The demand for Rhino horn for cosmetic use has had devastating effects on the rhino population with an average of 2 rhinos being slaughtered daily.
Rhino horn is made out of keratin which is the exact same substance which forms your hair as well as your finger and toe nails. How can mankind be so conceited as to kill off this magnificent species that has been around for millennium when the substance that contains the supposed 'cure for cancer' is also found on your toes and head?
People's basic ignorance is driving this species to inevitable extinction. Our basic activities have been influenced by our predecessors mistakes as well as findings and yet nowhere in history has rhinos been exploited for 'medicinal' properties until now. We are staring a rhino mass extinction in the face!
So, why save the rhinos?
1. Rhinos are critically endangered
2. Rhinos have been around for over 40 million years (and yet if we carry on with this craze they will be completely destroyed in a matter of a few years)
3. Humans have caused the drastic decrease of rhino numbers
4. Rhinos are an umbrella species (animals that share their habitat are also protected and should the rhino become extinct then those animals which are dependent on the rhinos will also become severely threatened)
5. Rhinos are charismatic mega-herbivores
6. Rhinos attract tourists and thus are a huge economical advantage for the country
7. We all have a voice and an opportunity to get involved
How can you help save the rhinos?
1. Report any suspicious activities regarding a threat to conservation to the authorities
2. Donate towards anti-poaching campaigns
3. Become a member of Save the Rhino organisations
4. Become an ambassador for rhinos by fundraising and educating people about these magnificent creatures
5. Spread the word about their peril!
Rhinos are facing an executional epidemic and this has become a highly unfortunate reality for the species as an entirety. Rhinos can only protect themselves to a certain extent but unfortunately human greed is wiping them off the face of the earth faster than they can replace their dwindling numbers.
'Be the change you want to see in the world'-Mahatma Gandhi. Be the voice behind this epidemic. Take a stand and help to save a species.
-Melissa (16 years old)
Rhino horn is made out of keratin which is the exact same substance which forms your hair as well as your finger and toe nails. How can mankind be so conceited as to kill off this magnificent species that has been around for millennium when the substance that contains the supposed 'cure for cancer' is also found on your toes and head?
People's basic ignorance is driving this species to inevitable extinction. Our basic activities have been influenced by our predecessors mistakes as well as findings and yet nowhere in history has rhinos been exploited for 'medicinal' properties until now. We are staring a rhino mass extinction in the face!
So, why save the rhinos?
1. Rhinos are critically endangered
2. Rhinos have been around for over 40 million years (and yet if we carry on with this craze they will be completely destroyed in a matter of a few years)
3. Humans have caused the drastic decrease of rhino numbers
4. Rhinos are an umbrella species (animals that share their habitat are also protected and should the rhino become extinct then those animals which are dependent on the rhinos will also become severely threatened)
5. Rhinos are charismatic mega-herbivores
6. Rhinos attract tourists and thus are a huge economical advantage for the country
7. We all have a voice and an opportunity to get involved
How can you help save the rhinos?
1. Report any suspicious activities regarding a threat to conservation to the authorities
2. Donate towards anti-poaching campaigns
3. Become a member of Save the Rhino organisations
4. Become an ambassador for rhinos by fundraising and educating people about these magnificent creatures
5. Spread the word about their peril!
Rhinos are facing an executional epidemic and this has become a highly unfortunate reality for the species as an entirety. Rhinos can only protect themselves to a certain extent but unfortunately human greed is wiping them off the face of the earth faster than they can replace their dwindling numbers.
'Be the change you want to see in the world'-Mahatma Gandhi. Be the voice behind this epidemic. Take a stand and help to save a species.
-Melissa (16 years old)
(Updated )
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