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The World: STOP Routine Infant Circumcision

The World: STOP Routine Infant Circumcision

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This petition has been created by S. N. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
S. N.
started this petition to
The World
The Cultural/Societal/National and Global Consequences of UN-warranted Routine Infant Circumcision in The USA!

The issue of routine infant circumcision in the USA is FAR worse than the effects on the individual infant!

If you care to read the info/book provided in the links at the end of this comment, you may understand why I am saying what you're about to read - IF you can "stomach" the LARGER truth of the HUGE impact that this practice in the USA has on the entire nation and even on this planet as a whole:

It is time to STOP cutting newborn babies for NO "good" reason!

- much higher numbers of "reported" rape and other sexual violence in the U. S. than in Europe (as much as SEVEN TIMES higher!)

- an over-"sexualized" society in general on the one hand, while "frowning" on things like breastfeeding in public on the other hand

- things like a six-year-old boy getting suspended from school for "sexual harassment", after giving his female class-mate an innocent KISS ON THE CHEEK

- the U. S. spending BILLIONS upon BILLIONS of dollars on the military (WAY more than all of Europe combined!), which is nothing more than a very poor attempt at re-claiming the feeling of power, value and self-worth that was forcefully CHOPPED off the end of as many as 80% of American INFANTS' penises at the height of the Cold War (and continues at this rate in SOME States);

- NOTE specifically the similarity between a nuclear warhead and the "naked" glans of a circumcised penis, and the USA's obsession with their military and guns in general

- the endless "war on terrorism" which is nothing more than an acting out against the INTERNAL TERROR, utter powerlessness and infantile rage that EVERY baby must surely FEEL during the "procedure"; fighting against "terrorists" who ALSO MUTILATE their own boys' genitals

- the "revenge" on mother - ravaging, raping and plundering MOTHER Earth like none other - in general, and "neglecting" mothers specifically in the USA, ie - NO governmental maternity care whatsoever, as compared to up to THREE YEARS PAID MATERNITY LEAVE in some European countries

- the USA as an increasingly paranoid nation (collective castration anxiety/guilt!) that has been interfering in various ways in many countries around the world with claims of bringing "benefits" to those countries in the same way that their own bodily integrity was interfered with at birth with FALSE claims of health benefits

- a nation run by men most of them born during the Cold War era! - who could not be trusted to take proper care of their own penises without the "help" of surgical alteration - according to the previous generation's "voices of authority", ie MIS-informed doctors and parents LIED to - and the women who "trust" and/or defer to those men in "charge" of the educational systems, the corporate "world", politics, and the medical/pharmaceutical MAFIA, who altered Medical text books to depict a circumcised penis as "normal" and who are DRUGGING millions of children right now with pharmaceuticals to prevent them from speaking their truth - everything from sleep "disorders", ADD/ADHD to the latest: ODD - Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Motivational Deficiency Disorder

- a nation who behaves like a strapped down helpless infant, about to have the most sensitive part of his penis CRUSHED and SLICED OFF - and forever seeking outlets for their misplaced subconscious infantile TERROR and RAGE, and finding those outlets in "military actions" as well as obsessive consumerism - the infant being "soothed" with a fake nipple (pacifier), which at the same time suppresses the full expression of the agony experienced during the "procedure" (mutilation/torture)

- a nation collectively obsessed with needing to defend/protect itself, because as infants they were helplessly abandoned to the knife by their own mothers and fathers

- a nation disintegrating on so many levels, because 80% of its middle aged male population does not remember being strapped down to cold plastic boards, screaming for their mothers to come and save them

Etc etc etc







Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma
How an American Cultural Practice Affects Infants and Ultimately Us All Ronald Goldman, Ph.D.
Foreword by Ashley Montagu, Ph.D.

Reviews of "Circumcision, The Hidden Trauma"


Three videos of what this book is all about:

WARNING: not for the faint hearted! Graphic content!




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