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Todd Zinser, Office of Inspector General, Department of Commerce: Investigate why NIST created a fraudulent report on WTC7

Todd Zinser, Office of Inspector General, Department of Commerce: Investigate why NIST created a fraudulent report on WTC7

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This petition has been created by Winston S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Winston S.
started this petition to
Todd Zinser, Office of Inspector General, Department of Commerce
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created a fraudulent report on the unprecedented global collapse of World Trade Center Seven. They knowingly omitted critical structural elements from their analyses. NIST spent over $40 million on the World Trade Center investigation. We ask that the Inspector General investigate this very serious waste of taxpayers' dollars and demand that NIST redo the analyses in an open and honest fashion.

Read the December 2013 formal complaint sent to the Inspector General Todd Zinser here:


Here is the January 2014 response, stating NIST will investigate itself:


Please contact the Office of Inspector General here:

Todd Zinser
Office of the Inspector General
1401 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20230
(202) 482-4661

Posted (Updated )