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USFWS: Deny trophy hunt import permit to Michael Luzich, for Namibian Black Rhino Trophy Hunt

USFWS: Deny trophy hunt import permit to Michael Luzich, for Namibian Black Rhino Trophy Hunt

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This petition has been created by African W. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
African W.
started this petition to

This is important because the Black rhino is an endangered species, and trophy hunting a member of an endangered species is not conservation, it is simply an act of execution.

Each year, the Namibian government issues five black rhino hunting permits that fund efforts to protect the species

(Protect the black rhino species by hunting one elder black rhino who is said to be unable to procreate? What sort of logic are we using here? )


2 American hunters try bringing home the endangered rhinos they're shooting dead


Black rhinos, Sumatran rhinos and Javan rhinos are "critically endangered," which is the list's highest risk category. There are 5,055 black rhinos, fewer than 100 Sumatran rhinos and only 35 to 44 Javan rhinos.


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