
United States of America: Ban Heartstick & Gassing Euthanasia of Animals in America
Carrie K.
started this petition to
United States of America
This a Cruel and Inhumane End For any Animal Gassing Takes up to 45 mins and animals are layered upon dead animals They Suffer Tremendously as They smell Death and are Suffocating on top of other Dead Animals_if they Survive They are Taken out _and Become Excited For The Persons Whose Hands They are In _Only To Be Placed Back in The Gassing Unit with another Batch_Sometimes as many as 7 at a time for Puppies-HEARTSTICK is Exactly What its Name Implies a Jab into The Heart of an Animal Down the Line Leaving The Animal in Excruciating Pain Screaming in Agony _ THESE CRUEL TORTURES ARE NOT PART OF A DECENT SOCIETY-They Depict a People Whose Heart Is COLD/Devoid Of Compassion/Cruel & Careless About Needless Suffering _These Animals HOW MUCH DO THEY HAVE TO SUFFER??_Most of them end up in these So called [Humane Societies} as Abused/ Neglected/Starved/Injured& Abandoned Animals They are innocent yet once again are the Victims of a Society that has to be Petitioned in order to Enforce Decency upon them -IS THIS WHAT OUR COUNTRIES PEOPLE WANT TO REPRESENT ??? To the World -IS THIS WHAT WE HAVE BECOME ? WE WANT DECENCY/NOW! We want These utterly Sadistic Practices BANNED ONCE & FOR ALL_AMEN!
(Updated )
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