Wisconsin DOT- build a Berm along I94 in Hudson!
This is important because the noise pollution that we are experiencing everyday has become a detriment to our quality of life. At 76-87 decibels everyday there is never peace, quiet, or tranquility. We only experience the unending, unceasing, relentless blare of Interstate 94. Our children do not want to play outside. Neighbors have foreclosed on their properties because buyers are not interested in moving into our neighborhood. I believe that a noise reducing wall will greatly reduce the blast of noise pollution coming from the interstate. Lives will be free from the blaring semis, thundering motorcycles, and the unceasing roar. We are petitioning for a noise reducing wall/berm to be built along the Lighthouse Subdivision in Hudson!
According to the American Academy of Audiology long term exposure to noise levels above 85 DBS can lead to hearing loss. Ear plugs are recommended. The noise abatement criteria for a Residential area is 67 db. We are well above this level and looking for mitigation from Wis DOT.
Here are some people we need to contact to be heard:
Stacey Rusch (1-715-836-4628) stacey.rusch@dot.state.wi.us
Rep. Knudson (1-608-266-1526) rep.knudson@legis.wi.gov
Sen. Harsdorf (1-608-266-7745) sen.harsdorf@legis.wi.gov
Congressman Duffey (1-202-225-3365)