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World peace within our lifetimes.  Yes, really.

World peace within our lifetimes. Yes, really.

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50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Peter S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Peter S.
started this petition to
No official decision-maker -- yet.
We can achieve world peace within our lifetimes, by eliminating international borders and establishing a single, globally inclusive democracy.

Yes, this is highly ambitious, but think about it: international borders are no longer serving us.

Borders are the basis of war, the worst evil on earth. Borders prevent us from working together to prevent global warming; instead, countries like the U.S. and China point fingers, each saying "you first." Borders enable human traffickers and other criminals to escape justice. Borders make it possible for the people who control the world's wealth to shirk their responsibilities to the rest of us by stashing money in secret, foreign bank accounts.

A better way is possible: a single, globally inclusive democracy. One that includes the voices of everyone on earth, leaving no-one out. One encompassing all of today's countries, eliminating the militarized borders between them.

This is not a short-term campaign, but rather a long-term vision that we need to begin building support for now. That's the purpose of this petition: to begin building support.

Many details need to be worked out. But what's important now is to show our support for the idea.

Nearly 25 years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall came down, promising a new era of peace. But other world powers kept going with business as usual, which has led to an endless series of wars that make no sense.

We've waited long enough. The time has come for us to stand up and demand a better future, for everyone.

For more background, see: http://YesWorldPeace.org

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