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Lebanon: stop sport hunting

Lebanon: stop sport hunting

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Dries V. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Dries V.
started this petition to
Nazem El Khoury

At least 11213. That's how many birds have been killed in Lebanon the last four years. Why? For fun!

While migrating these birds pass through Lebanon every year. Bird hunting in Lebanon is already outlawed for 2 decades but barely put in practice, this results in thousands of dead birds every year. The white stork, black stork, white pelican, hobby, common crane, griffon vulture, sparrowhawk, lesser spotted eagle, steppe eagle. They all are victims of this senseless violence against nature.

The hunters show their 'trophies' proudly on social media and nothing is being done to stop these crimes. If we don't do anything now these birds could get extinct before we even know about it.

Show that you are also enraged by these acts of senseless violence against nature and sign the petition now! If we reach a million the Lebanese government might finally take action and put these criminals to justice!

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