
أوقفوا إعدام الشباب
Six I.
started this petition to
الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي
ستة أبرياء مُعرضون للإعدام التعسفي خلال أيام. أحمد الوليد، خالد عسكر، محمود وهبة ، عبدالرحمن عطية، إبراهيم العزب، باسم الخريبي شباب مصريون، خرجوا من منازلهم يوم 6/3/2014 وتم اختطافهم وإخفائهم قسرياً لأشهر طويلة عانوا خلالها من التعذيب المميت ليعترفوا بجريمة قتل لا صلة لهم بها. وبعد ثلاث سنوات ونصف قضوها في غياهب السجون، حُرموا كامل حقوقهم القانونية في إثبات براءتهم، و اُثبت عليهم الحكم النهائي بالإعدام. رقاب هؤلاء الشباب تحتاج دعمكم ومطالبتكم بحقهم في الحياة، مسعاهم الآخير في إيقاف تنفيذ الحكم يحتاج مساندتكم. وقعوا معنا وكونوا لهم الصوت الذى حُرموا منه.
#٦_مظاليم #اعدام_بريء
6 innocents are endangered by arbitrary execution within a few days. Ahmed Alwalid, Khaled Askar, Mahmoud Wahba, Abdulrahman Atteya, Ibrahim Alazzab, Bassem ALkhriby, are young Egyptians who were victims of enforced disappearance and deadly torture. Thus, they deliver confessions under torture of a murder they did not commit. They have been imprisoned for three years and a half during which they were deprived all their legal rights to prove their innocence, and now they are sentenced to death. Their lives need your support and their only hope is a presidential decree to suspend the execution. Sign the petition and give them the voice they have been muffled.
Mısırda Gençlerin infazını durdurmak6 mısırlı mazlum genç için idam kararı verildi. Şu an idam tehdidi altında hücrede tutuluyorlar. Suç işlemediler ve haklarında ispat edilmiş bir iddia yok. Ancak mısır yargısı böyle düşünmüyor. Gençlere yardım et ve 6 mazlum masum gence karşı verilen idam cezasının durdurulması için imza kampanyasına katıl. #sucsuzyereidam #insanlikdaragacinda
#٦_مظاليم #اعدام_بريء
6 innocents are endangered by arbitrary execution within a few days. Ahmed Alwalid, Khaled Askar, Mahmoud Wahba, Abdulrahman Atteya, Ibrahim Alazzab, Bassem ALkhriby, are young Egyptians who were victims of enforced disappearance and deadly torture. Thus, they deliver confessions under torture of a murder they did not commit. They have been imprisoned for three years and a half during which they were deprived all their legal rights to prove their innocence, and now they are sentenced to death. Their lives need your support and their only hope is a presidential decree to suspend the execution. Sign the petition and give them the voice they have been muffled.
Mısırda Gençlerin infazını durdurmak6 mısırlı mazlum genç için idam kararı verildi. Şu an idam tehdidi altında hücrede tutuluyorlar. Suç işlemediler ve haklarında ispat edilmiş bir iddia yok. Ancak mısır yargısı böyle düşünmüyor. Gençlere yardım et ve 6 mazlum masum gence karşı verilen idam cezasının durdurulması için imza kampanyasına katıl. #sucsuzyereidam #insanlikdaragacinda
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