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Stop FGM in Indonesia

Stop FGM in Indonesia

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This petition has been created by Watch I. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Watch I.
started this petition to
Joko Widodo, President of Indonesia
In Indonesia, 2 million girls have their clitoris cut every year . The government has signed international conventions banning it , but the cruel practice continues. It’ll take a massive outcry to stop girls being mutilated -- together we can do it!

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) doesn’t only violate several international agreements, it also contravenes the country’s own laws on human rights, child protection, health and domestic violence. Indonesia effectively overturned an earlier ban of the cruel practice by publishing a guide to doctors how to cut girls -- a move activists fear has been understood as government endorsement. Now hospitals and other organisations are cashing in on the mutilation of the country’s daughters, even offering “birth packages” that include genital cutting alongside vaccinations and ear piercings for a newborn. On other occasions, schools organise mass mutilations where mothers are rewarded with presents and money for having their daughters cut, often without the use of anesthetics.

But several organisations are raising the alarm with submissions to the UN where Indonesia’s child rights record will be under special scrutiny this spring. A global wave of protest against the shameful cutting can help keep Indonesia’s daughters safe and make sure cutting baby girls ends now. Sign on the right and share this with everyone!
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