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Keep the internet free

To US lawmakers and FCC Commissioners:

The internet has opened up new worlds of information, innovation and democratic expression for billions of people. As citizens across the United States, we stand with President Obama in calling for the "strongest possible rules" governing Net Neutrality, which includes reclassification of broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. It is time to ensure open and equal access to free speech on the net.

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Keep the internet free
Something remarkable is happening -- this week the FCC is expected to announce strong new rules protecting a free and open internet. Republican leaders in Congress, backed by the richest telecom giants, are trying to sabotage the rules. But if we stand together we can win the fight to defend our digital freedom.

The internet has opened up new worlds of information, innovation and democratic expression for billions of people. That’s why President Obama and the top regulator at the FFC are supporting a principle called Net Neutrality -- open and equal access to free speech on the net. That’s great for everyone except companies like Verizon and Comcast, who stand to make billions from price discrimination. So now mega-corporations are lobbying Congress to strip the FCC of its regulatory power to protect us.

Together we can prevent the congressional counter-attack bill from getting out of committee. Once we reach 50,000 signatures, Avaazers will descend on D.C. to deliver our call directly to ranking members on key Senate and House committees.

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