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Save this snow leopard paradise

Save this snow leopard paradise

High in the Himalayas, one of the world’s most threatened big cats roams the lonely mountain slopes. 

The snow leopard is fighting for its survival, and now, in Nepal, one of its last refuges could have a highway built right through the middle of it. This could be the snow leopard’s last stand -- but two Avaazers have come up with a brilliant, simple plan to save them!

They’re working with the local community and the Rainforest Trust to buy up and protect crucial snow leopard habitats. If they can raise enough, they’ll create a vast, permanent, snow leopard conservation corridor, while blocking the road completely!      

But they’re running out of time. If they can’t raise the funds in the next few weeks, it won’t happen. If thousands of us chip in now, we can help urgently buy the land they need to create this snow leopard sanctuary -- and even better, everything Avaaz donates will be matched dollar for dollar by the Rainforest Trust! Donate what you can, and let’s save the snow leopards before it’s too late.
