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Support Syria's heroes

Support Syria's heroes

This is Mohammad Deib Elhir. He weeps as he holds a one-month-old baby girl who he just saved from the rubble of her bombed-out home. Not long after this video, Mohammad was assassinated -- shot in the head while volunteering at a rescue centre.

This is the reality faced by Syria’s White Helmets. Unarmed and neutral, they’re just ordinary people -- tailors, teachers, bakers. Yet they risk everything to do what no one else will, rushing to the scene of bombings to save people’s lives: 114,431 so far.

This weekend a horrific chemical attack killed more than 40, including small children. Relentless bombing kept medics away and the smell of chlorine gas hung thick in the air, but the White Helmets were there.

These heroes need our help -- the attacks are only getting worse and they urgently need new equipment, tools, and medical supplies.

Our governments won’t stand up for desperate Syrian people, but we can. Chip in -- 100% of funds raised will be go to life-saving work in Syria.