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google company: وضع شعار يمثل الامام الحسين (ع) يوم 20 صفر

google company: وضع شعار يمثل الامام الحسين (ع) يوم 20 صفر

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قام بتول ا. بانشاء هذه الحملة التي من الممكن أن لا تمثل وجهات نظر مجتمع آفاز.
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google company
pThe Imam Hussein is an Arab leader, a man of peace and peace erupted before more of 1374 years against injustice and tyranny done by category misguided taken from the motto of aggression and bloodshed approach her, but this guy stop generally that category unjust and Garaha and fought against and refused to obey orders even won the Certificate Year 61 E is a small group of army and said this guy is still great sacrifice meditates until this moment the Age of millions of his fans because he taught them the meaning of pride and dignity, freedom and arents. Killing of Imam Hussein, since most of 1374 years and still commemorates reported annually and celebrates the millions of people in different parts of the world on the anniversary of his testimony… and held his councils of grief and mourning in memory and Ovaoua for his blood and sacrifices that paid off for their lives and made them live with dignity and the dignity he (man of freedom) and a man and a great man Ask to be a Imam Hussein, the Liberal leader On the home page of Google on 24 \ 12 \ 2013 in appreciation and recognition of his great humanitarian toward
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