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تم اغلاق هذه العريضة
Appeal to Free Mohamed Osman Al-Mahassi

Appeal to Free Mohamed Osman Al-Mahassi

تم اغلاق هذه العريضة
50 داعم

Omer E.
هذه العريضة الموجهة إلى
الي جميع منظمات حقوق الانسان واللجنه الدوليه للصليب الاحمر
تعرض المناضل محمد عثمان عبد القادر ( المحسي ) للإعتقال بسبب أرائه السياسيه ونضاله السلمي المناهض لحكومة المؤتمر الوطني بالسودان ومنع من التواصل مع اسرته ونخشي ان يعرض للتصفيه الجسديه او التعذيب من قبل عناصر جهاز الامن بالسودان لذا نناشد جميع منظمات حقوق الإنسان واللجنه الدوليه للصليب الأحمر الضغط علي حكومة السودان من أجل إطلاق سراحه او تعريضه لمحاكمه عادله يتوفر فيها مناخ ملائم للدفاع عن نفسه وإنتداب محامي يترافع عنه

Appeal to Free Mohamed Osman Al-Mahassi
Mohamed Osman Al-Mahassi is a Nubian Sudanese activist and politician who is resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He went to Sudan accompanied by his family for their vacation. While in Khartoum, he was detained by Sudanese security forces on Monday 7th september 2015. He was taken to an unknown location upon his return to Khartoum from his village of Dalgo Al-Mahass (northern Sudan). His car and ID documents were siezed by security agents.Al-Mahassi took part recently in a sit-in organized by the Nubian Entity, an organization to which most Nubians are affiliated, in front of the council of ministers in Khartoum, demanding a ban on using cyanide in random mining operations in the Nubian region, since it polluted its water and environment.Mr. Al-Mahassi has not been refered to trial, nor has the security forces declared the reason of his detention. He is due to return to Saudi Arabia within days. His detention jeopardizes his position in the company he is hird by.The appeal to release him is most urgent as the security forces in Sudan have been widely condemned for torture and detention in torture chambers known as Ghost Houses.
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