Let's Fund Girls' Secret Schools in Afghanistan!
It's the only country in the world where they are banned from high school -- a decree the Taliban enforces with pure terror.
But now thousands of girls are boldly defying the Taliban: slipping through the streets to attend secret, underground schools. They're learning science, economics, web design, and biology.
Facing extreme violence and oppression, they are fighting for a future. But the number of schools is severely limited, and grinding poverty means many girls are married off, or left in the kitchen while their brothers go to school.
We can help.
Together we could fund secret schools across the country, helping hundreds of girls to get an education. We'd fund teachers' salaries, books, and computers, rapidly expanding the network of underground schools -- even as the Taliban tightens its grip.
Being a girl in Afghanistan is deadly -- but they are finding the cracks. Let's give them the best chance we can, while accelerating our campaigns for women's rights and free education for all. Donate what you can now!