Stop the Amazon's Massacres
To World Leaders:
We call on you to take urgent measures to stop all attacks against the Yanomami people in the Brazilian Amazon, including putting political and economic pressure on the Brazilian government to ensure the rights of all Indigenous peoples are duly respected. We cannot allow this massacre to continue anymore. Together, your actions can give the Yanomami the assurance that the world won't turn the back on them at this darkest hour.
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20,000 illegal miners have invaded Yanomami lands, leaving a trail of bloodshed and terror. The guardians of the Amazon rainforest are being slaughtered. Rivers are poisoned with mercury from the mines, and the rainforest is being decimated.
Let's stop this massacre!
A thundering global call, backed by millions, could raise the alarm and force leaders to take urgent action. They're about to meet on human rights and the environment at the Summit of the Americas -- let's show up!
The Yanomami can't keep resisting on their own. But we could force this into the global spotlight, right now. Add your name and pass this on, fast.
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