Investors: Green Your Trillions Now!
To Larry Fink, BlackRock CEO, and all major investors in fossil fuels :
As citizens from every country on Earth, we call on you to green your trillions by making sure all your investments are fully compliant with the Paris agreement. We call on you to use all your shareholder power to block any new fossil fuel projects and ensure all energy companies you are investing in urgently transition from fossil fuels to clean energy to save our future and everything we love.
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What’s fuelling these fires? Intense heat … and money.
Huge investors are pumping hundreds of billions into coal, oil and gas companies that supercharge such climate disasters. But now there's a glimmer of hope: One of the most powerful investors, BlackRock, could be about to shift!
Their CEO is heading to the World Economic Forum, where he’s expected to announce his new plans -- the perfect moment for us to to make sure he feels the heat with a million signatures and a full-page ad, calling on him to actually end all investments in dirty energy!
Sign now -- and let's welcome him at the summit with a million signatures and a full-page ad calling on him to green his trillions, and get others to follow suit!
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