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Investors: Green Your Trillions Now!

To Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, JP Morgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, and all major investors in fossil fuels:

As citizens from every country on Earth, we call on you to urgently and transparently align your business with the Paris climate goal of 1.5 degrees celsius. Stop funding any fossil fuel expansion, rapidly transition your investments to renewables, and use your shareholder power to push other companies into rapidly aligning with 1.5C. You can still choose your legacy at this turn of history, but time is running out.

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Investors: Green Your Trillions Now! 
Australia has turned into a hell on earth, with one billion animals burned alive. A murderous future our entire world may be headed towards.

What’s fuelling these fires? Intense heat … and money.

Huge investors are pumping hundreds of billions into coal, oil and gas companies that supercharge such climate disasters. But now there's a glimmer of hope: One of the most powerful investors, BlackRock, just announced a major shift away from coal!

Their CEO is heading to the World Economic Forum, where he’s expected to talk up his new plans -- the perfect moment for us to to make sure he and others feel the heat with a million signatures and a full-page ad, pressuring them to immediately stop all investments in new fossil fuel projects!

Sign now -- and let's welcome them at the summit with a million signatures and a full-page ad calling on them to green their trillions!

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