An ocean reserve the size of France!
To Brazilian President Michel Temer:
As global citizens concerned about our oceans and the planet’s biodiversity, we urge you to approve the creation of the Marine Conservation Units of the archipelagos of São Pedro e São Paulo and Trindade e Martim Vaz. This is an incredible opportunity to establish Brazil as a leader on ocean protection, and set an example for countries around the world!
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And that's exactly what Brazil's Environment Minister, Sarney Filho, is proposing: a massive ocean reserve the size of France off a remote, pristine coast. It would be the largest reserve in the Atlantic and set an inspiring example for governments everywhere.
Locals, key politicians, even fishermen support the proposal -- but mining and other interests in Brazil, backed by other cabinet ministers, are threatening to strike it down.
President Temer will decide in days between his ministers and we could tip the balance -- with his international reputation suffering, we can show him the world wants this reserve. Let's build a global call to save the oceans -- when enough sign, Avaaz will work with Minister Filho to deliver our petition right to the President! Join in.
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