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UN States: End impunity for regimes that kill, maim, and torture

To UN Member States:

As citizens of the world, we recognise the crucial importance of the crimes against humanity treaty. We urge you to support, negotiate, sign, and ratify it as soon as possible. The world is in a state of immeasurable suffering, and this treaty would bring us one step closer to acknowledging, preventing, and punishing atrocities against people in the most vulnerable situations – including women and girls, children, Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities, and many others.

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UN States: End impunity for regimes that kill, maim, and torture

Why should I sign?
  • Governments all over the world launch widespread and systematic attacks against innocent people, beating, torturing, killing, raping, starving, and imprisoning those they’re meant to protect.
  • Insiders at the UN tell us that the fate of a new treaty outlawing these ‘crimes against humanity’ is balanced on a razor’s edge.
  • The key committee meets in four weeks to decide whether to open negotiations. If we can swing a few more countries, we can take the outcome out of the hands of repressive regimes like China and Russia that want to block the new law.
  • Victims, survivors, civil society, and more than 100 governments have been working on this for years – and they say now is the time for a massive show of public support.
  • This treaty is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make governments more accountable for committing atrocities against people in the most vulnerable situations  – women and girls, children, Indigenous Peoples, people with disabilities, and many others.
Photograph: Ebrahim Noroozi/AP

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