End Canada’s Sick Seal Hunt
To Prime Minister Trudeau and Fisheries Minister LeBlanc:
We are horrified by the subsidised murder of as many as 400,000 seal pups taking place in Canada right now. This hunt is a stain on Canada’s reputation and is a sickening attack on our planet’s animals, who need protection now more than ever. We hold you personally responsible for intervening urgently and forcefully to ensure this is the last seal hunt in Canada.
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Most Canadians want to end the hunt, but the government is doing the opposite, pumping millions of dollars in subsidies into a dead industry to satisfy a few industry lobbyists.
Why do all these seal pups need to die? Their coats are sold for fashion and their organs are ground into a ridiculous sex potion popular in China.
Sign and share this petition around the world -- when enough have signed, Avaaz’ll launch a ‘bloody’ protest on the steps of Canada’s Parliament and run an international ad campaign calling on Prime Minister Trudeau personally to intervene and shut down this industry before it leaves a permanent stain on Canada’s good name:
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