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Clean up the Amazon's Chernobyl!

To Bill McNabb III, and the Vanguard Investment Oversight Committee:

As citizens worldwide who cherish our planet, we believe Chevron should be held accountable for the devastation caused to the lands, rivers, and people of Ecuador. We urge you to support the shareholder proposal by Zevin Asset Management and use your influence to get others on board. As Chevron’s biggest shareholder, you have major influence to persuade Chevron's management to reach a fair settlement with the affected communities in Ecuador.

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Clean up the Amazon's Chernobyl!
Oil giant Chevron dumped billions of gallons of deadly chemicals in the Ecuadorian Amazon, leaving behind rivers full of poison, and toxic waste pits spreading cancer and death in indigenous communities.

It's criminal: for decades the company's lawyers used every legal (and illegal!) trick in the book to evade justice. But their reign of impunity could finally end -- if we can persuade just one man to back a just settlement at Chevron's annual meeting next week!

He's the head of Vanguard, a US retirement fund that owns the single biggest chunk of Chevron stock, and he's challenged corporate abuse before. Now with dozens of other major investors pushing Chevron to call off their legal attack dogs against Ecuador's indigenous -- his vote could be key.

That's why we're headed to the shareholder meeting to talk to him directly. And thousands of Avaaz members are Vanguard customers, so we know he'll listen! Adding a million more on our letter to him will be epic.

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