Stop jailing climate truth tellers!
To PM Starmer and the new UK Government:
We condemn the gagging and jailing of peaceful climate protesters in UK courts. We call on you to stop silencing and jailing truth tellers. Repeal the Tories’ repressive legislation immediately, hold to account the corporate polluters who threaten life on earth for profit, and restore the UK’s influential role in upholding democratic rights and international law.
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This is outrageous, and it sets a dangerous legal precedent attacking civil rights and freedoms – the very rights and freedoms that courts are supposed to protect and uphold!
Countries across the globe look to the UK for examples of how to handle protests, so what happens in the UK will have knock-on impacts on people everywhere.
We cannot remain silent. Join this citizens outcry demanding the UK’s new government repeals all repressive legislation and restores its role in upholding civil rights and international law!
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