Save the Citizen's Climate Convention
To the President of the French Republic :
Because you have promised it, and because the coming climate crisis will not accommodate half-measures, we ask you to keep your formal and public commitment to take up “without filter” the proposals of the Convention citoyenne pour le climat, by submitting them to referendum, parliament or direct regulatory application.
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According to a Harris study, 9 out of 10 French people believe that action is needed on climate change. Even the High Council for the Climate, set up by Emmanuel Macron, believes that "climate actions are not up to the challenges or its objectives".
For the first time in history, a French president has agreed to trust 150 randomly selected citizens, representative of all the realities of the country. They worked for 9 months to come up with solutions, acceptable to all, to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030.
But quietly, the government is unraveling and weakening many of their measures before submitting them to the Parliamentary vote and to citizens’ referendum.
This is why we are calling on the President of the Republic to keep his word and submit the proposals of the Citizen's Climate Convention, without filter, to referendum, to parliament, or to direct regulatory application.
We can't wait any longer.
Cyril Dion, writer, director and environmental activist
Guardian of the Citizen's Climate Convention
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