12 years left...
To national, local, and international leaders:
Scientists warn us that climate change is accelerating beyond our control, threatening our survival and everything we love. We call on you to keep global temperature rise under the unacceptably dangerous level of 1.5 degrees C. To achieve this you must urgently deliver clear plans that phase out carbon pollution to zero before 2050, and rapidly shift our societies and economies to 100% clean energy.
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World leaders are about to meet to decide how to respond. The EU is proposing an urgent plan to reduce carbon pollution to ZERO -- but Trump and his allies are doing all they can to kill it off.
We can’t let that happen -- this is suicide vs survival!! The summit is in days, and together we can land our massive global call for 100% Clean energy right in the heart of it, to save our future and everything we love. Add your name and tell everyone!
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