China: Ban the Wildlife Trade, Stop the next global killer
To President Xi Jinping :
As global citizens, we applaud your temporary ban on the wildlife trade in China. But a temporary ban is only a temporary solution. Stopping the next global pandemic is in your hands, and so we urge you to make the ban on wildlife trade full, far-reaching, and permanent.
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Tigers, civets, pangolins, and wolves: millions of wild animals are caged and butchered in these bloody markets. It's the perfect playground for deadly viruses to mutate and multiply.
Until now.
The deadly outbreak has forced China to temporarily ban the wildlife trade -- now let's make it permanent!
China's President is facing intense pressure to contain the outbreak and top officials are rushing to change the country’s wildlife protection law. If we join the surge of citizens calling for a permanent ban, we could make it happen.
Let's stop the next global outbreak and end the brutal trade in wildlife -- sign now and tell everyone.
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