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Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

To President Barack Obama:

We, people from every corner of the earth, call on you to direct the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to stop the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline once and for all. The pipeline will cause serious harm to sacred indigenous lands and water, risks an oil spill, and is counter to your commitment to stopping climate change.

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Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline
The images from Standing Rock are heartbreaking -- indigenous peoples from around North America defending their land from a monster oil pipeline are being shot with rubber bullets, tear-gassed, arrested, pepper-sprayed, and even chased with fierce dogs. The crackdown has been blown wide open by brave journalists -- and now we can help end this for good.

It’s a tactic straight out of the playbook of the world’s worst dictators, but this is happening in 2016... in the United States!! Now under growing pressure President Obama just announced he’s considering rerouting the pipeline. If enough of us join this call we could get him to stop it for good.

President Obama can reject the Dakota Access Pipeline. He’s done the same before on the Keystone XL Pipeline, but only when the pressure got too much to ignore. Sign urgently and share with everyone!

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