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Stop the toxic wound in the heart of the Amazon!

To the investors of Belo Sun's Volta Grande project in the Amazon and their shareholders:

Your commitment to sustainability is meaningless if you invest in projects like Belo Sun's mining project in Volta Grande, in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon. As citizens of the world, we call upon you to use your power to withdraw all your investments from this crazy venture, which threatens to inflict irreversible damage to the environment and the local indigenous communities. It is not too late to make it right.

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Stop the toxic wound in the heart of the Amazon!
A Canadian mining giant is pushing to cut a huge open pit gold mine right in the middle of the Amazon!

But after the indigenous Juruna people stood up to them, a Federal court just revoked their license. Now experts say our best chance to stop this environmental catastrophe is massive global public pressure on the largest investor, Agnico Eagles Mine to pull out.

They have an Annual General meeting in weeks and care about their sustainability brand. If we make this a huge campaign, Avaazers can welcome shareholders to Toronto with a demand to withdraw they can't ignore. Let's stand with the Juruna people and stop this massive toxic wound to the heart of the Amazon.

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