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Can you help detect fake news and save Europe?


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Recent signers

Thanks so much for letting us know how concerned you are about disinformation. We know many Avaazers are really worried about how fake news is impacting on democracy. So we're taking action!
Avaaz is is building something unique - a team of people coming together to stop the extremists and take down their powerful fake news weapon. But to be successful we'll need as many people are possible to pitch in and join us.
You could be doing all sorts of things to help stop the flow of dangerous disinformation. Here are just a few of them:
  • Flag disinformation into a simple online form

  • Report disinformation directly to Facebook

  • Share viral content produced by the Avaaz

  • Respond to trolls in comments sections

  • Help coordinate volunteers

Just fill out the form on the right and the Avaaz team will let you know how you can best pitch in.

Thanks again!